Remembering one of the greats, a paragon for whats good in this world

This last week was the anniversary of the birthday of Mr. Fred Rogers, host of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.  Rogers became involved with children's programming in 1950, working behind the scenes in various programs until 1968 when "Mister Rogers Neighborhood" syndication and a home with PBS. He once stated in an interview " I went into television because I hated it so, and I thought there's some way of using this fabulous instrument to nurture those who would watch and listen"

The effect Fred Rogers had on the King Bee was profound and lasting. The King Bee was captivated by the program, not because of the puppets or the activities that took place on the show, but rather by how good and kind Mister Rogers and the rest of the staff seemed to be. These adults were patient, and so kind. They listened to each other and to children, they were invested and their care was evident. The guidance they offered was so gentle and good hearted and always delivered without judgement. In a world where every other kids show is about laughs and adventure here was a man who wanted to know your story, and gave everyone advice on how people should treat each other. The King Bee didnt have a whole lot of that in his formative years and while the real world has its own plans for each of us, those lessons, and Rogers own practices showed, and still show, that the way things are now is not how it has to be. We can be better, we can be kind, we can be helpful, we can be better neighbors.

The teachings of this great man are the inspirational cornerstone for the Helpful Hive. To accept every one, to offer what you can to assist those in need and to be a friend to all, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, who they are or however much of a jerk they may be!

The King Bee asks that each of us takes a moment to consider memories we may have of this kind man, and ask yourselves, "What can I do to be a better neighbor, a better friend, a better person in my community"